Faith and Conflict
註釋Faith and Hostilities This book addresses four issues. First it seeks to debunk the Jewish theilogical explanations for the rise of the Holocaust and provide an alternate sociological theory explaining the Holocaust.Second the author proposes that religious and secular anti-Semitism that culminating in the HolocaustHolocaust had its roots in Christianity's search its own identity. The mechanism for acquiring its identity and its claim for the legitimacy of its ascendancy over Judaism was the dialectical method. Third the author the author examines the validity of the claim for the existance of Judeo-Christian values. The historical experiences that serve as the infrastructure for values are different for the two religions. While Judaism places primacy on the value of justice Christianity elevates the value of love above all others. This bifurcation of the principal values led to two distinct Weltanschauungen. Finally, the author proposes that it is not tolerance of diversity that will lead to a harmonious socity, rather, it will be achieved by the elevation of morals over faith. He agrees with Ludwif Feuerbach and Emile Durkheim that faith accentuates divisiveness while morals enhance social integration.