Dying of Thirst on the Bank of the River

As you take this journey with the author, know that he will be examining areas which have earned the title of "Sacred Cows". Ask those questions that come to mind as you travel through this inspiring text. The discoveries made will open hearts, minds, and spirits to freedom beyond expectations.

Dying of Thirst on the Bank of the River begins with the author's story. This book explores why so many people fail to move closer to the Lord, answering questions such as:

Are there things we have to do or change to see the living reality of Christ's Church?
As His Church, are we manifesting the love Jesus said would cause the world to know we are His disciples?
Is there a place for individualism within the Christian community?
What paradigms need to change?

As a Christian leader, Jim knew only one way to lead; as he began this journey, he discovered a way that more clearly represented the Good Shepherd. Jim's understanding of the church Jesus has chosen to build grew as he found true freedom.

No longer live according to Christian cultural norms. Thirst no more. Jump in!

Dying of Thirst on the Bank of the River. is for you!!