The Corrosion Rate of Copper in a Bentonite Test Package Measured with Electric Resistance Sensors
註釋Test Parcel of copper and bentonite was exposed for six years in the Äspo HardRock Laboratory, which offers a realistic environment for the conditions that will prevail in a deep repository for high-level radioactive waste disposal in Sweden. In January 2007 electric resistance (ER) sensors of pure copper were also installed in test package from deep repository. The results from the ER measurements of corrosion rate of copper from start in January 2007 to April 2011 are presented in this report. In summary, the measurements have shown that the corrosion rate of pure copper exposed to an oxic bentonite/saline groundwater environment can be followed by ER and electrochemical techniques, and corrosion rate decreases slowly with time to very low values (