Katie is a lost and troubled teenager who is claimed by distant, unknown relatives and is dispatched to a remote Scottish island. Distrustful of the world, she slowly accepts the friendship of perceptive Morag, mischievous Robbie and the reticent Kirig, a strange boy who lives in the hills.
But sinister and ghostly events threaten them as past time spills into the present. Katie bravely struggles to uncover her forgotten history but then is asked to risk the lives of those she loves in order to battle against the forces of chaos and fulfil her destiny.
The Secret of Skara Vhore is the first in a gripping fantasy trilogy that details the battle between good and evil, as well as the loyalty among friends. Set in the highlands of Scotland, this book will appeal to teenagers interested in dark supernatural fiction.
‘From the first line, the reader is engaged. Jennifer is a writer of real promise’
– Anne Zouroudi, author of The Messenger of Athens
‘I was totally gripped ... I couldn’t wait to find out what happened in the end, nor was I disappointed when I got there’
– Fiona Courtney-Thompson, former commissioning editor with MacDonald Young Books