Atlas of Pelvis and Perineum

 A lot is being done nowadays in the field of Medical Education and in revising old programs in Medical Curricula and in introducing new concepts in medical teaching, stressing on certain subjects and cutting short a good number of teaching hours from other topics. Other new ideas emphasize the fact of integrating teaching and other coordinated systems. In spite of all this change, of which some is really being radical, I feel that the following facts remain to be correct.

(1) Anatomy is still – and will remain – the gateway to Medicine.

(2) Anatomy is still – and will remain – the queen of the Basic Sciences and is – and will remain – the sine qua non for entry into the field of Human Biology.

(3) Anatomy is – and should always be – one of the first subjects to be taught in Medical Colleges. I am sure that the continuity of medical education has suffered a lot in those Medical Colleges whereas an experiment – Anatomy was placed later in the Medical Curriculum, because here the horse followed the car, rather than preceded it. Also< those who – at some time – held the point of view that Anatomy could be taught after other Basic Sciences proved to be both unrealistic ... and incorrect.

Although thought otherwise by many, yet it should be known that Anatomy is far from being stationary, either in its facts or in changes and improvements in the method of their presentation.