⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Bestselling author Lydia Michaels weaves a ferociously addictive tale of immortal hunger, lust, and noble sacrifice in the haunting continuation of The Order of Vampires series.”
Cain Hartzler has a tortured past and a score to settle. After losing his destined mate, he is sentenced to an eternal life of pain and solitary sacrifice. To serve a purpose, he enters a deadly crusade to hunt and destroy the lethal vampire butchering mortal females in the Pennsylvania woods outside of Jim Thorpe.
Foolish ambition leads news reporter Destiny Santos into dangerous territory. Risking her life for a story, she discovers a sinister army of feral vampires out for blood. Desperate to escape, she shoots the one immortal willing to protect her from certain death. Cain’s honor is tested when the meddlesome news reporter tries to end his life–thereby endangering the life of his precious mate.
Cain is terribly injured as evil vampires close in! Only the blood of a human can save him now, and there’s only one human nearby–the one holding the bow that just shot an arrow through his heart. Fangs sharpening, he must rip into her throat if he wants to live–shame on him if he enjoys it.