OECD/CERI Project on the Transition of Handicapped Youth
註釋Concern for the transition of young people from school to adult life is widespread. The rise of unemployment in Australia, and its unequal effect on the young has been recognised, and several government programs have been devised to reduce the breadth and intensity of the social and personal disadvantage which results. For disabled youth, particular problems compound the disadvantage. These may include inappropriate school programs, lack of opportunities for continuing education, community attitudes to employment of disabled persons, and the lack of job opportunities in areas traditionally sought by disabled persons. Technological advances offer some promise of widening the range of vocational opportunities, but might also be responsible for reductions in the total number of jobs. Thus the current interest of OECD/CERI in the transition to work and adult life of disabled adolescents is timely. The present study is one contribution to this international cooperative effort.