Mine Site Reclamation Policy for the Northwest Territories
A Policy for the Protection of the Environment and the Disposition of Liability Relating to Mine Closures in the Northwest Territories
出版Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 2002
註釋... The Mine Site Reclamation Policy for Northwest Territories serves four main objectives: Ensure the impact of mining on the environment and human health and safety is minimized. Reduce the environmental liability that falls to government to the greatest extent possible. Provide industry and the public with a clear signal of the government's expectations. Build positive and supportive relationships with the new regulatory authorities coming into operation in the North. ... The principles and objectives laid out in this Policy will guide DIAND's decision-making powers in matters where DIAND has authority and will shape DIAND's position as an intervener in regualtory processes carried out by resource management boards. ... This Policy applies to new and existing mines, whether operating or not, with clearly identified owners/operators. It does not cover orphaned or abandoned sites, which will fall under the proposed Policy on the Management of Contaminated Sites in Canada's North. The Policy applies only to developed mines and to those mining-related activities that take place on mine sites. It does not apply to activities undertaken during the prospecting, exploration or advanced exploration stages of the development of a mineral property. ... Every new mining operation should be able to support the cost of reclamation. Existing mining operations will also be held accountable for their reclamation liabilities. Adequate security should be provided to ensure the cost of reclamation, including shutdown, closure and post-closure, is born by the operator of the mine rather than the Crown. ... All proposals for a new mine must include a mine closure and reclamation plan. ... approaches to mine site reclamation need to remain dynamic, and evolving "best practices" should be an integral component of reclamation planning. ... A key element of the Plan is the relationship between the closure and reclamation obligations, and the financial security provided to ensure the liability for reclamation remains with the mining company. ... As reclamation work is successfully completed and environmental liability is reduced, the amount of financial assurance required will be proportionately reduced and the surplus refunded. When the Minister is satisfied the operator has met the requirements for decommisioning under the relevant legislation and that the objectives of the plan have been fully met, the Minister will provide the mining company with a written acknowledgement to that effect. ... the application of certain aspects of this Policy will have to take into account the specific situation and issues of individual mines on a case-by-case basis. ... When a property is abandoned by a receiver, Interim Receiver, or Trustee in bankruptcy, DIAND will take any measures necessary to safeguard human health and safety, and the environment, using the authority of the Minister under the Northwest Territories Waters Act. Under this Act, the costs of such measures will be recovered from the financial security provided by the operator. ...--Introd.