Izvor nadzorovanja in njegova vloga v življenjskem slogu pri dveh skupinah žena alkoholikov
Marga Kocmur
doktorska disertacija
M. Kocmur
, 1990
The author states the differences in the experiencing of the locus of control in two groups of the wives of alcoholicsČ in the first one, the husbands participate in alcoholism treatment program (in which the wives participate aswell)č the women from the second group seek treatment for themselves, while their husbands do not participate in any kind of treatment. By means of Rotterćs I-E test, Beck Depression Inventory and a semi-structured psychiatricinterview, significant differences between the two groups, regarding the experiencing of the locus of control, the severity of depressionand personal growth of subjects, were revealed. In the group of depressed women, seeking treatment for their problems, the experiencing of thelocus of control is significantly more external, than in the group of wiveswho participate in their husbands treatment. Some differences in the personal growth of the subjects lead us to assume that the experiencing of thelocus of control is a stable personality dimension, significantly shaping the behavior and reactions in stressful situations. In the group with the external locus of control, the behavior pattern in crisis situation is characterized by feelings of helplessness, passivity, and depression, while inthe group with the internal locus of control active confrontation and problem solving behavior prevails. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).