Sock Puppet

Despite being deserted by his wife and left to care for their one-year-old daughter, Louie Armstrong remained optimistic that his perfect love was out there, somewhere. He just had to find her.

But when he woke up naked with arms secured to the bedposts and a crazy but beautiful woman approaching him carrying a bottle of champagne in one hand and a chef's knife in the other, he thought, this is probably not her.

Fast forward a year, and Louie is out on a big night with his bi-polar friend Tyler when he receives an online friend request from beautiful lawyer Macey Lawrence. Had he finally been paired with the woman of his dreams? Was it a reward for his sacrifices? Or was she too perfect to be real?

After a catfish incident resulting in an epileptic seizure and a trip to the hospital, Louie and his motley crew of flawed friends recruit a team of private investigators to expose the sock puppet.

In a cat-and-mouse story told from multiple angles Louie must face the possibility that he is far less "together" than he would have others believe, while Tyler has a few dark secrets of his own. Maybe Louie must acknowledge his flaws and find empathy for those in others before he is ready for true love.

Sock Puppet is a new-age romantic comedy about a group of highly flawed people who learn to see each other for the diamonds they truly are.