Grover's New Chestnut St. Theatre
Leonard Grover, Manager Easter Monday, March 28th, First Night of Boucicault's Great American Drama The Octoroon (drama Entire) With New & Splendid Scenery ... Original Music, by Koppitz and the Grand Orchestra. ... Saturday Afternoon, April 2, Family Matinee Entertainment when Mrs. Cecile Rush Will Make Her First Appearance as Fanchon, in the Beautiful Drama of the Same Name. Prices of Admission: Dress Circle Or Parquet 50 Cents Family Circle 25 Cents Orchestra Seats 75 Cents Five of the Front Benches Only are Reserved as Orchestra Seats. No Extra Charge for Securing Seast [sic].
出版U.S. Steam-Power Book and Job Print, Ledger Building, 1864