A Categorification of the Crystal Isomorphism B[superscript 1,1] --"B([lambda][subscript I]) E"B([lambda][subscript Sigma (i)]) and a Graphical Calculus for the Shifted Symmetric Functions
註釋We prove two results at the intersection of Lie theory and the representation theory of symmetric groups, Hecke algebras, and their generalizations. The first is a categorification of the crystal isomorphism B[superscript 1,1] --"B([lambda][subscript i]) E"B([lambda][subscript sigma (i)]). Here B([lambda][subscript i]) and B([lambda][subscript sigma (i)]) are two affine type highest weight crystals of weight [lambda][subscript i] and [lambda][subscript sigma (i)]) respectively, [sigma] is a specific map from the Dynkin indexing set I to itself, and B[superscript (1,1)] is a Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystal. We show that this crystal isomorphism is in fact the shadow of a richer module-theoretic phenomenon in the representation theory of Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras of classical affine type. Our second result identifies the center End[subscript H'](1) of Khovanov's Heisenberg category H', as the algebra of shifted symmetric functions [lambda] * of Okounkov and Olshanski, i.e. End[subscript H'](1)E"[lambda] *. This isomorphism provides us with a graphical calculus for [lambda] *. It also allows us to describe End[subscript H'](1) in terms of the transition and co-transition measure of Kerov and the noncommutative probability spaces of Biane