Esocid Stocking : an Annotated Bibliography and Literature Review
註釋This document has been prepared to summarize information on the current state of knowledge regarding the stocking of esocids (muskellunge & northern pike). It begins with a history of esocid stocking in Ontario and a review of the world literature on the following subjects: managed spawning marshes; survival of stocked esocids; contributions of stocked esocids to the fishery; factors influencing stocking success; impacts of esocid stocking; best management practices for esocid stocking; and stocking assessment. The main section contains an annotated bibliography of world literature in English arranged alphabetically by author. The final section is a classified subject index to the bibliography. The appendix includes statistics on muskellunge stocking in Ontario waters since 1925, a summary of muskellunge transfers in Ontario waters 1947-87, and a list of Ontario lakes containing introduced muskellunge populations.