About the Author Abdullah Khan is an award-winning internationally bestselling author. His novels have sold over three million copies and have been translated into seven languages
Product Description
The following things have been mentioned in the book with special indications of improvement where necessary:
Mother's concern about the daughter's marriage; marrying off daughter in close relatives or strangers; considering family or wealth or something else; useless ways and means of old families, and their devastation, female education, female etiquettes and housekeeping, interaction between families, no early marriage, the choice of a wife, asking a woman for her will of marriage; the choice of a husband, going out of home of veiled women, hospitality, etiquettes of dinning, sending marriage proposals and accepting them, needless expenses on marriages and odd ways and positive suggestions for their improvement, making domestic budgets and savings, what veil is and the ways of veiled people, interaction between husband and wife letter writing, women's travelling, sea voyage, how to face hardships, government official's cruelty, ups and down, sincer servants, impact of bad company, how one indulges into bad habits and their bad consequences, parents love for children, advantages of educated mothers for their nation.