Conflict of Beliefs
註釋The book talks of strongly held beliefs and how these lead to conflicts. This applies to rivaling nations as well as to individuals in competition. These beliefs have been found to be influenced by the environment in which those who hold these beliefs are brought up or in the circumstances in which they find themselves. A bad legacy of beliefs handed over to a new generation or to an individual in a position of authority, may influence them throughout their lifespan, just as colonizers handed over legacies to their colonies; these subjects used the bad practices they inherited from their superiors to subjugate the individuals they in turn supervised. This trickle-down effect has been a negative practice which has led to enormous conflicts in societies, and this in turn has had a conflictual effect on the subjects they have had to control. Examples are taken from our leaders and those they have had under them. It has become a vicious cycle which turns out to be a snare without an end. We find that there is a civilization struggle resulting from this conflict of beliefs. Overall, whether negative or positive, it is for a survival of the fittest.