A Day in Old Athens; a Picture of Athenian Life
註釋A Day in Old Athens William Stearns Davis, american educator, historian, and author (1877-1930) Table of Contents -01- About this book -02- PREFACE -03- THE PHYSICAL SETTING OF ATHENS -04- THE FIRST SIGHTS IN ATHENS -05- THE AGORA AND ITS DENIZENS -06- THE ATHENIAN HOUSE AND ITS FURNISHINGS -07- THE WOMEN OF ATHENS -08- ATHENIAN COSTUME -09- THE SLAVES -10- THE CHILDREN -11- THE SCHOOLBOYS OF ATHENS -12- THE PHYSICIANS OF ATHENS -13- THE FUNERALS -14- TRADE MANUFACTURES AND BANKING -15- THE ARMED FORCES OF ATHENS -16- THE PEIRÆUS AND THE SHIPPING -17- AN ATHENIAN COURT TRIAL -18- THE ECCLESIA OF ATHENS -19- THE AFTERNOON AT THE GYMNASIA -20- ATHENIAN COOKERY AND THE SYMPOSIUM -21- COUNTRY LIFE AROUND ATHENS -22- THE TEMPLES AND GODS OF ATHENS -23- THE GREAT FESTIVALS OF ATHENS William Stearns Davis (April 30, 1877 - February 15, 1930) was an American educator, historian, and author. He has been cited as one who "contributed to history as a scholarly discipline, . . . [but] was intrigued by the human side of history, which, at the time, was neglected by the discipline." After first experimenting with short stories, he turned while still a college undergraduate to longer forms to relate, from an involved (fictional) character's view, a number of critical turns of history. This faculty for humanizing, even dramatizing, history characterized Davis' later academic and professional writings as well, making them particularly suitable for secondary and higher education during the first half of the twentieth century in a field which, according to one editor, had "lost the freshness and robustness . . . the congeniality" that should mark the study of history. Both Davis' fiction and non-fiction are found in public and academic libraries today.LifeDavis was born April 30, 1877 in the presidential mansion of Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, where his mother's father had been president for the twenty-two years preceding his birth. His father was Congregational minister William Vail Wilson Davis; his mother Francis Stearns. Due both to childhood illnesses and to family moves occasioned by his father's call to new congregations, Davis was largely educated at home until he entered Worcester Academy in 1895. In 1897 he matriculated at Harvard. Fascinated by maps and by historical figures, he had begun writing stories for himself while still at home. He now turned this experience and his desire to humanize history to writing historical novels, the first of which, A Friend of Caesar, was published in the year he graduated as a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He continued at Harvard, being the first first-year graduate student to receive the Harvard Thayer Graduate Scholarship, and earning his A.M. in 1901 and his PhD in 1905.During these same years he continued publishing historical fiction.In 1904, Davis began his formal teaching career, beginning as a lecturer at Radcliffe College while finishing his doctorate. He continued thereafter at Beloit College (instructor, 1906-07), Oberlin College (Assistant Professor of Medieval and Modern European History, 1907-1909), and finally at the University of Minnesota (Professor of History, 1909-1927). "He was an excellent teacher with the ability to put life into his lectures." His steady output of non-fiction in both history and the historical background to contemporary world affairs began with his time at Minnesota. Professionally, he was a member of the American Historical Association.In 1911, he married Alice Williams Redfield of Minneapolis. He retired from teaching in 1927, moving back to New England and taking up residence in Exeter, New Hampshire, with the intention of devoting all of his time to writing. However, he died of pneumonia following an operation at the age of 52 on February 15, 1930.