
斉藤英二郎は永禄大学付属病院のエリート研修医。 最新医療の実態を目の当たりにし、理想と現実のギャップに戸惑いながら奔走する日々が始まる。 すぐにでも手術が必要な狭心症患者と、それを隠すように指示する病院。 不妊治療を経て生まれてきたダウン症の赤ちゃんの運命。 「医者とは一体何なのか?」斉藤は自問自答を繰り返しながら医療、そして患者と向き合っていく。 『第一外科編』『第一内科編』『NICU(新生児集中治療室)編』(コミック1?4巻)収録。 ※二次利用規約の明示タイトル:ブラックジャックによろしく著作者名:佐藤秀峰サイト名:漫画 on web URL:http://mangaonweb.com


Best Regards to Black Jack--The Full Version1

Eijiro Saito is an excellent intern in Eiroku university hospital. He feels confused every day by the distance between his dream and the reality while he is able to touch the newest medical technologies at the same time. For example, he has ever received the order to hide the truth and to refuse the operation on a patient who needed the treatment immediately. And what will happen to the baby born with the down syndrome whose mother had got the infertility treatment. He keeps asking himself what the doctor should do before facing the patients. This book embodied “the chapter of the first surgery” “the chapter of the first medicine” and “the chapter of NICU”.