
Designed to support the paradigm shift in media and communication, this book presents the basic tenets of strategic communication and its foundational disciplines of advertising, public relations, and marketing communications.

Drawing on the latest research in the field, the text introduces students to the theories of strategic communication while at the same time outlining how to apply them to everyday practice. To facilitate learning and tie concepts to practice, each chapter includes introductory focus questions, a contemporary global case study, a career profile of a current practitioner, end-of-chapter discussion questions, and features that highlight how research methods can be applied to strategic communication practice.

Principles of Strategic Communication is ideal as a core text for undergraduate students in strategic communication courses within media, communication, marketing, and advertising programs.

The accompanying online support material features chapter overviews, learning outcomes, key terms, discussion questions, and links/additional reading. Instructors will find sample syllabi and a test bank. Please visit www.routledge.com/9780367426316.