註釋The Success Pyramid is an action plan for life, specifically tailored to young adults who anticipate a future characterized by stability, personal achievement and self-actualization. It is also an affirmation for the young-at-heart, of any age, who understand the power of positive thinking and incisive action to create life-changing breakthroughs. In The Success Pyramid, you will find a comprehensive range of activities, listed in the form of a pyramid, that, if followed conscientiously, will guarantee holistic wellness. Success is best defined as the achievement of balance and compassion in your life, and the ability to realize the intended consequences of your deliberate actions. It is also indicative of a healthy mind, healthy body, healthy spirit, and healthy relationships. Successful people are able to understand their purpose clearly; to know themselves perceptively; to achieve their goals ardently; and to give back willingly to others. Success, therefore, results from deliberate, thoughtful action. The Success Pyramid is focused on action, recognizing that you are what you repeatedly do, and you do what you repeatedly think. The consonance of thoughts, words, and actions will determine your level of success. This book will help you develop positive life habits, take control of your behavior, and pilot your life to the destination you cherish.