Two Tales of the Moon

It's 2009, and America's economic interest in China is increasing at a rapid pace, along with China's ambition to become a superpower. A high-profile, joint-venture deal between two U.S. and Chinese cyber technology companies has unforeseen consequences as Will Donovan meets Lu Li-and life as he knows it is never the same again.

Will is a native New Yorker and ex-Navy cyber-warfare specialist who has built a prosperous cyber-security business. Lu Li's life was one of terrible strife as she escaped her home country's communist regime at the age of thirteen and swam to Hong Kong and to freedom. She made it all the way to the United States and is now a successful Wall Street investment banker.

They meet as the cyber technology companies merge. They meet and realize their orderly worlds of hard work and legality don't apply in this new high stakes game of corruption and deceit. From Washington, DC, to New York to Shanghai, Will and Lu Li face moral and ethical dilemmas and make personal choices that could change their lives forever.