The Plot Against the Peace
註釋The Plot Against the Peace, which was first published in 1945, uncovers Nazi Germany’s secret plans for a Third World War. The book reveals how the behind-the-scenes clique which really rules Germany is plotting to undermine the peace, split the United Nations, and convert military defeat into actual victory.

Written by two journalists who have won an international reputation for their exposés of fifth-column activities and worldwide fascist intrigues, this book offers thoroughly documented, indisputable evidence to prove that Germany’s undercover apparatus is at work in the United States today, laying the groundwork for a post-war secret offensive against America. The book disclosed how German spies and assassins are already carrying out their new assignments in the United States, as throughout the rest of the world.

The Plot Against the Peace is a book that names names. Among the vitally important disclosures discussed are how Germany is secretly preparing for the continued post-war operations of the Nazi apparatus; the real story behind the German factories of death; the clandestine building of German hidden arsenals in Spain, Argentina and other countries; the plot for maintaining a Nazi-Junker officer corps in temporary exile abroad after the war; who are the “real brains” behind the German international network; how the Germans have smuggled funds, diamonds and other valuables into the United States to finance their post-war machinations; and what the German plans are for disuniting the United Nations, inciting international turmoil and thus making impossible the fulfilment of the Allied peace aims.

The authors have left nothing to the imagination in their account of the hitherto untold secret history of Nazism, and in their description of the character and deeds of the German General Staff. But, as the authors write, “Those facts had to be recorded and they have to be read.”

An amazing, revealing and urgent document.