The Best for Last
註釋Pat’s “The Best For Last” book begins with fiction, then memoir, about a portion of her life, and ends with fiction. Pat began writing this book many years ago. As her life progressed so did the book. It starts with the main character happy and thankful for her new life with the man of her dreams. Then, she thinks back about her childhood, her marriage, divorce, and living with abuse. For many years Pat experienced terrible verbal and emotional abuse. She wrote the book to expose the effects of this abuse. Her desire is to help any person going through anything like what she experienced, “Get help or get out.” Pat’s advice is “do not waste valuable youth and years in such a hurtful, harmful, situation.” For Pat, her journey saw her born into poverty. Raised during the 1930’s depression. Ambitious at a young age. Working various jobs. A difficult life in a broken down trailer in Anchorage, Alaska. Much time spent in the “School of Hard Knocks.” She had success in real estate, and investing, only to lose it all. The devastating loss of the home she designed and had built, plus all the rental properties. All because of her wrong choices and wrong decisions. For those Pat paid dearly. The book reveals years and years of unhappiness. There were many stormy, hurtful years. Pat’s poems are scattered throughout the book. Poems taken from some seventeen hundred poems Pat has written over the years. In both the fiction ending, and the real life ending, Pat finally ended up with a man who truly loved her. He often told her she was the “love of his life.” She would find love and contentment and a happy marriage at last. God is good. God is so good.