An emotional suspense novel of a writer’s journey to Red China to help her divorced husband, a prisoner of the Chinese after living among them for years. Leona Chickering disappears mysteriously in a London street. Her husband goes to the American Embassy for help and learns through Interpol that Leona left Paris on a tour party to China, first stop Peking. The trip was arranged through a french journalist, Andre Valois, a former lover of Leona when both were in China covering the Sino-Japanese war.
At Peking, Leona is met by an associate of Andre’s, who tells her that her ex-husband Paul is being released and will be repatriated at Hongkong soon. The man responsible for Paul’s release is Alexei Petrov, a Russian correspondent who had been Leona’s lover during a winter in Japanese-occupied Hankow.
Leona learns of the time for Paul’s release at the Hongkong border and goes there to meet him, in a traumatic ending, Paul is met by a Chinese wife and their daughter.
WHAT TIME IS IT IN CHINA? Is a novel of a woman’s journey back in time, reunions with two former lovers, and memories of a China she knew years earlier vividly contrasted with present day China.