Environment and Society
註釋This text is a collection of essays covering both the science and ethics of global issues as well as the management of regional and local resource issues. Key topics covered include: Biodiversity conservation for ecological stability, Resources for germplasm bank, Flow of technology from Lab to Land and the role of NGOs, water quality management in Calcutta metropolis, Air pollution monitoring with the help of GIS technique. It includes an overview of various aspects of environment in relation to human health, Environmental degradation. Global warming and shifting of responsibilities between developed countries and developing countries. It covered anthropological study of social behaviour of ethnic races in sharing any kind of natural resources as also human mating pattern in contemporary Bengalees with reference to their marriage customs and family formation in urban set ups.

This book takes an interdisciplinary approach to various environmental issues and includes contribution from authors with backgrounds in Anthropology, Geology, Geography, Medical science and Biochemistry and also Agriculture.

Throughout the book the attention of the reader is directed to the practical problems relating to biodiversity conservation aspects in the developing countries like India on the perspective of changed global scenario.