註釋Prspero Obama piensa que el mundo est medio patas arriba, contaminado y un poco destartalado; entonces, se pasa la vida suea que te suea... Obama desea cambiar muchas cosas de la realidad con tal de que los nios sean felices, lo que a veces resulta dificilsimo. Por ello se transforma en un hombre de accin, inventando molinos de viento y pasando por muchas vicisitudes y otras incidencias de aventurero en unin de su esposa, sus hijas, y sus amigos Bill del Clip, el caballo Platero, el burrito Canuto y el perrito Zato. Prspero Obama thinks that the world is polluted, a little messy and, all in all, in not very good shape. He keeps dreaming of a better world and coming up with ideas that will make Earth a place where all children can be live happily for generations to come. However, this will be a daunting task at times, and it will require his commitment and utmost resolution. Prspero will engage in many adventures and face numerous challenges as he tries to build a windmill with the help of his wife, his daughters, and his friends Bill del Clip, Platero the horse, Canuto the donkey, and Zato the dog.