Lloyd Antypowich has always given his all in everything he has chosen to do. He wore many different hats on the way to achieving his dream of becoming a rancher. This is a compelling story of his journey and the many paths he traveled to make it a reality.
His life began in a time of struggle and hardship, when his immigrant family lived in the frontier of the northern Saskatchewan wilderness, with none of the amenities of the modern world. It stretched across the decades to a time when he saw man go to the moon and back. Today he lives in a time when new technology has created a world that his ancestors could never have imagined.
His early childhood years were lived in a time when man used horse and buggy for transportation; when the hospital was more than a hundred miles away, so he was born at home with his grandmother acting as midwife; when the native Indians who lived in teepees just over the hill befriended his family and taught them how to make moccasins.
He lived life in times when the bathroom was outside, and when it was forty below, the toilet seat was just as cold; the Eaton's catalogue was something you read while you were contemplating before you had to tear the page, because there was no toilet paper.
This is a simple account of his determination to fulfill a lifelong dream of owning a ranch in the mountains and make cowboy boots his daily wear. When he met obstacles, he worked to find a way around them or over the top of them. He wouldn't consider the concept of failure and he didn't understand the words "no," "you can't," or "it's impossible." It is a tale of courage, humor, ingenuity, and determination.