Instructions for beginners and advanced players
註釋Manual. Game manuals for beginners and advanced. An exhibition consisting of the eponymous instructions for beginners and advanced games, in which more than seventy artists participated. Each of them sent to the gallery, on an identical card, instructions for making their work, on the basis of which viewers can realise the artists' ideas with their own hands. The catalogue is a consolidated material, with a selection of works - instructions. The application of the creativ commons licence, in the words of Lawrence Weiner, "Once you know about my work, you start to own it. There's no way I can slip into your head and take it back" allows you to copy, distribute, reproduce and perform the work, which can be an entire project, a single game, as well as creating derivative works based on them. The exhibition catalogue includes an introduction by Sebastian Cichocki and a text by Joanna Warsza Playability/participation/action - non-invasive ways of engaging the viewer.