The Enemy Is Amoug Us
註釋The bible says the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence's and the violence takes it by force. So after Lucifer's demise God changed his name to Satan, but before his name changed. He put his plan into action, and one third of the angelic host of heaven followed him. Example: If there we're three million angels in heaven that meant one million followed him into this wicked scheme. Lucifer forgot who he was dealing with; Almighty God the one who created everything, the LORD who created him. Remember, God gave Lucifer some power, but God gave Jesus all power in heaven and in earth. So a war broke out in heaven, and Lucifer and his fallen angels fought against, Michael the Archangel, and his assigned angelic host. This fight went on for a long time; for Lucifer was determined over throw the LORD. But, God spoke and threw Satan out of heaven. I Peter 5:6-10