Programming Real Time Applications with SIGNAL.
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
Paul Le Guernic
M. Le Borgne
T. Gautier
C. Le Maire
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
, 1991
Abstract: "This paper presents the main features of the SIGNAL language and its compiler. Designed to provide safe real time system programming, the SIGNAL language is based on the synchronous principles. Its semantics is defined via a mathematical model of multiple-clocked flows of data and events. SIGNAL programs describe relations on such objects, so that it is possible to program a real time application via constraints. The compiler calculates the solutions of the system and may thus be used as a proof system. Moreover, the equational approach is a natural way to derive multiprocessor executions of a program. Finally, this approach meets the intuition through a graphical interface of block-diagram style, and the system is illustrated on a speech recognition application."