Histories, Territories and Laws of the Kitwancool
註釋"The authors of this book are the Kitwancool themselves, for it contains their own statement of what they consider to be their histories, territories, and laws. It was their idea in the beginning that such a publication should be produced. The subject dealt with are those which they consider important enough to include. The manner of expression, as closely of possible, follows their own... The publication of this book is one step in the fulfilment of an agreement between the Kitwancool and the Provincial Museum of British Columbia...that for each [totem] pole we removed for preservation, a new and exact copy, carved in Victoria, would be returned and erected in the village. A meeting of the chiefs and people of Kitwancool accepted this proposal, but added one further condition: that their histories, territories, and laws were to be written down, published, and made available to the University for teaching purposes."-- Preface.