
Allan Goodwin book "HOW to GET RID of BACK PAIN. A Comprehensive Technique that Will Help Get Rid of Lower Back Pain, in the Upper Back and Neck" - this is an understandable and affordable complex technique that will help get rid of pain in the lower back, upper back and neck, developed based on many years of coaching experience of the author.

By following the recommendations described in the five chapters of this book, you can always keep your spine in good shape, regardless of age and lifestyle. The first part describes the causes of back pain. In the second part, the book contains a set of back exercises, provided with detailed and visual illustrations. Next, the author will talk about an extremely important aspect of a healthy lifestyle - proper nutrition. In the following chapters, the author will touch upon the correct emotional attitude and describe the correct position of the back in everyday life.

The technique has proven its effectiveness for thousands of people, it will become indispensable for everyone who experiences pain and discomfort in the spine, who spends a lot of time in a sitting position and strives to always remain healthy and active.