註釋Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 1 [Scope of application] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 2 [Matters subject to arbitration] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 3 [International arbitration] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 4 [Rules of interpretation] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 5 [Notifications, communications and calculation of time limits] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 6 [Tacit waiver of the right to object] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 7 [Court intervention] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 8 [Courts competent for assistance and supervision of the arbitration] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 9 [Form and content of the arbitral agreement] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 10 [Testamentary arbitration] /José M. Figaredo --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 11 [Arbitration agreement and substantive claims before the court] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 11bis [Corporate arbitration] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 11ter [Annulment of registrable corporate resolutions by arbitral award] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 12 [Number of arbitrators] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 13 [Capacity to serve as an arbitrator] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 14 [Institutional arbitration] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 15 [Appointment of arbitrators] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 16 [Acceptance by the arbitrators] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 17 [Grounds for abstention and challenge] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 18 [Challenge procedure] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 19 [Failure or impossibility to act] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 20 [Appointment of a substitute arbitrator] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 21 [Liability of the arbitrators and of the arbitral institutions. Provision of funds] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 22 [Authority of the arbitrators to rule on their jurisdiction] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 23 [Authority of the arbitrators to adopt interim measures] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 24 [Principles of equality, right to be heard and contradiction] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 25 [Determination of rules of procedure] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 26 [Place of arbitration] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 27 [Commencement of arbitration] /José M. Figaredo --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 28 [Language of the arbitration] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 29 [Statements of claim and defence] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 30 [Form of arbitration proceedings] /José M. Figaredo --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 31 [Failure to appear by the parties] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 32 [Expert appointed by the arbitrators] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 33 [Court assistance in taking evidence] /José M. Figaredo --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 34 [Rules applicable to the merits of the dispute] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 35 [Adoption of decisions by an arbitration panel] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 36 [Arbitral awards by agreement of the parties] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 37 [Time limit, form, content and notification of the arbitral award] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 38 [Termination of the proceedings] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 39 [The arbitral award: correction, clarification, supplementary awards and exceedance] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 40 [Action to have the arbitral award set aside] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 41 [Grounds] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 42 [Procedure] /José M. Figaredo --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 43 [Res judicata and review of arbitral awards] /Carlos González-Bueno --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 44 [Applicable rules] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 45 [Suspension, dismissal and resumption of enforcement in the event of action to have the arbitral award set aside] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act, Article 46 [Foreign nature of the arbitral award. Applicable rules] /Laura Lozano Correa --Spanish Arbitration Act [Additional, transitory, repeal and final provisions] /José M. Figaredo.