Get Ready, Get Hired!

Congratulations… You have taken your first major step to building your future! Whether it’s your very first formal interview-on how to present yourself or if employed already and you just want to polish your resume or brush up on your interviewing skills, then this guide covers all that you need to prepare you and catapult you into a successful career.

Employers are looking to hire young personnel that are keen and know how to use their talents, abilities, strengths, and interests effectively. But successful interviewing doesn’t begin the moment you walk into the interview and end the moment you leave. Successful interviewing includes preparation and follow-up. It takes hard work and sheer tenacity to identify the best situations to apply your superpowers. You need to know yourself, and you need help finding what it is you do that creates magic for others.

First, remember that job interviews should be a process of two-way communication. Not only are they a tool for employers to use to evaluate you, but they are also an opportunity for you to assess the job, the organization, and to see if there is a "fit." However for many people, the fear of being put on the spot and meeting the interviewer’s expectations can overshadow their interview performance. And let’s be frank, almost everyone experiences some kind of nervousness or anxiety related to job interviews, which can manifest in different ways like: talking too fast, overusing fillers like ahh’s or umm’s,  not finding the right words to concisely respond to questions, the dreaded sweaty palms and the list can go on… But this nervous energy prior to an interview is not something to fear. It is proving you want to do well! Research says that it can in fact help you to perform better if you master the key to a successful interview: The key to a successful interview being preparation and practice. At an interview, potential employers are trying to assess some of or all of the following:

ü Your attitude towards your job, others and life in general.

ü Your qualifications for the position

ü Your "fit" with the employer or organization

ü What value will you bring to them?

ü What makes you different from the others being considered?

ü How well you have considered your reasons for applying

ü How clearly you can express your potential contribution to the organization

ü Your “soft skills” such as communication and professionalism.

ü How you are able to get along with others-handling complex issues etc

ü How you carry and conduct yourself and more

Remember that if you don’t manage yourself, no one will. Far too many people wait for someone else to create the circumstances that allow them to be happy at work. No matter how much we sulk or complain about our lot, the only person responsible for changing the situation is the one staring back at us in the mirror. You only own your career. Not your parents. Not your college or organization. Not your boss. You own your professional development.

Finding yourself a new job can be an extremely time consuming and stressful part of one’s life, especially if you’re a recent graduate and making your way into the job world for the first time. Even if you’re a successful professional looking for a new job, finding the right job you’re best suited for will take time, energy, research and all of your personal selling skills you can muster up in order to impress a potential employer. Careful preparation is therefore necessary to produce optimal outcomes from an interviewing experience.

And this book "Get Ready, Get Hired!" will immensely help you do just that- to catapult your career forward. You will learn how to position yourself, to stand out, improve your job application and increase your chances of becoming the successful candidate! You will discover how to write a strong resume, create an effective cover letter and successfully prepare for a job interview- taking your job application to the next level or finding the right career, by making sure to wow the company and seal the deal to get the job!