Contemporary Perspectives in Critical and Social Philosophy
註釋This volume is also published as volume 5 of the journal Critical Horizons ISSN 1440-9917.Contemporary Perspectives in Critical and Social Philosophy brings together a range of essays concerning ways of conceptualising modernities, subjectivities, and recognition. It highlights recent developments in German critical and social philosophy and includes essays by Martin Seel, Christoph Menke, Max Pensky, Andrew Bowie, and Karl Ameriks, and critical discussions of the works of Manfred Frank, Theodor Adorno and Axel Honneth. These recent developments open onto dialogues between hermeneutics, post-structuralism, Critical Theory and the Budapest School represented here by Agnes Heller and Maria Márkus. The essays contribute to debates regarding the modern constellation between those who at first glance may be viewed as protagonists, but from the perspective of greater distance share similar concerns and pre-occupations.