The Legal Proceedings of Harold Weisberg V. General Services Administration, Civil Action 2052-73
註釋The Freedom of Information Act has proven to be a remarkable instrument for citizens seeking the evidentiary base of the assassinations of American politicians. In a series of little noted, but highly significant, decisions the courts have opened up vast quantities of documents. Weisberg v. General Services Administration, the important suit instituted by a private investigator, defeated the government's attempt to invoke the claim of national defense and classify the records of the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination of President Kennedy, Top Secret. A nationally known authority on assassinations, Harold Weisberg, stripped away the fiction of Top Secret and forced the two executive session transcripts of the Warren Commission into the public domain. The transcripts revealed that the commissioners did not believe the lone assassin theory and were afraid of the federal investigative agencies who were presenting them with a cover-up. - Back cover.