Last Night But Three of the Engagement of Mr. John Wilkes Booth!
Many Requests Having Been Made at the Box Office for a Repetition of the Beautiful Romantic Play of The Marble Heart! It Will be Presented this Wednesday Evening, March 11th, '63 with All Its Exquisite Effects ... The Orchestra, Led by Chas. R. Dodworth, Will Perform a Popular Overture, and Other Musical Selections. To Conclude with the Musical Comedietta of The Swiss Swains! ... To-morrow, Thursday, Schiller's Tragedy of The Robbers! which was Received, on Its First Representation, with Shouts of Approbation, Will be Repeated, in Conjunction with the Drama of The Lost Ship. Friday, Benefit of Mr. Booth Macbeth. In Active Preparation, a New Play Entitled Aurora Floyd Adapted from Miss Braddon's Popular Novel, Expressly for this Theatre, by Mad. Julie de Marguerittes. Seats Can be Secured for Mr. Booth's Performances 6 Days in Advance Doors Open at 7 O'clock. Performance Will Commence at Half-past 7, Precisely Prices of Admission: Dress Circle, 37 1/2 Cents Parquet, 50 " Family Circle, 25 " Private Boxes, According to Their Locale, $5 and $3 Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Box, 75 Cts Box Office Open from 10 A.M., to 3 P.M. No Extra Charge for Reserved Seats
出版Steam-Power Job Print, Ledger Buildings., 1863