Physical Toughness

 This book shares principles of achieving a holistic sustainable physically tough transformation from a Biblical perspective because the value of an Exceptionally Better Lifestyle is found in its durability.  Biblical perspective to physical transformation is adopted because more consequences for life follow from that one issue than from any other, which affects the doing, the thinking and the living. This book demonstrates that a close relationship exists between emotions, finances, the mind, the spirit, physical health and the general state of being based on my lived experiences, seminar teachings, data, and information that I have gathered over the years.

Provides Biblical based principles for a transformed life which are applicable in all areas pertaining to a better life. Shares the Biblical philosophies for breaking strongholds that seek to sabotage your transformation by ‘putting on’ the full armor of the Lord. Serves to illustrate the relationship between the conscious, subconscious mind and weight management. Shares the decision making process which acts as a catalyst for a lasting transformation.

Benefits of proper nutrition …including meals plans to guide you in your weight transformation process.

This book outlines the application of several Bible based tools such as love, learning, relationships, forgiveness, serving, generosity, gratitude, prayer, healing in order to a set your mind and your entire being in accordance with a new you in Christ Jesus.


This book is written with a very practical purpose to achieve your goal weight. Offering practical guidelines on knowing the wonderful grace, which the Heavenly Father has in store for you to lead you to living and experiencing the daily enjoyment of the blessed life that the transformation will secure for the different areas of your life. Until this has been learned, you cannot possibly enter fully into the true blessing of experiencing a lasting physical change.


Offers guidance by using actual lived experiences on how to engage in physical exercises that will bring about the desired result when followed by a balanced diet from a Biblical perspective. You will adopt a bird’s eye view to challenges and trials resulting in a renewed worldview as you undergo a paradigm shift thus moving to the winner’s side. In so doing instill in yourself the wisdom to live an exceptionally fulfilling lifestyle by gaining control of the inner, which will extend outwards to your physical level.


Provides guidance for experiencing a shift into the inner courts of the Heavenly Father’s greatness in your physical body, which is the key to leading a Better Lifestyle. Hence, as you engage with the book more and more you will enter into the process of nourishing your physical body with the right nutrients. You will learn how to live a life that is filled with a sense of purpose, destiny and of passion in the different areas of your life. The book proposes that the way to become strong, robust and healthy is to feed deeply on the things that are eternal for they alone shall satisfy.


Join me on the “Feeding your soul” programme which is made up of several stages and emerge as a caterpillar does from its chrysalis as a beautiful butterfly. Dear reader,

•     Where is your mind set?

•     Do you wish to renew your life?

•     Is your life empty?

•     Are you facing any relational challenges?

•     Have you spiritually lost your joy?

If so, then join me as I closely explore the words of encouragement by Apostle Paul that says that a transformation is possible, for if anyone is in Christ, then they will be like a new creation and the past will be gone, forgiven and forgotten because the new has come!


The benefits that are associated with the ‘The Better Lifestyle Nutritional and Fitness Program’ include:

•     Renewal of the mind and of the entire being

•     Prepared mind that will enable you to achieve more than you could have ever imagined nor dreamt about

•     Turning ordinary situations into extraordinary ones

•     Fat loss

•     Lean muscle gain

•     Beautiful body definition

•     Increased strength and endurance and sense of purpose

•     Unlearning, relearning, and learning new ways of being