Directory of community legislation in force and other acts of the Community institutions
European Communities
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
, 1995
The twenty-sixth edition of the Directory of Community legislation in force published by the institutions of the European Communities contains all Community legislation in force from 1 December 1995. The Directory is compiled from the Celex data base, the interinstitutional computerized documentation system for Community law, which has been open to the public since 1981. Celex users will be able, using the document numbers given in the Directory, to call up on their terminal the full texts of documents they wish to see and obtain details of any amendments to them since the last edition of the Directory. With regard to the range of documentation covered, it was felt that the Directory should include not only current Community legislation as such but also other instruments reflecting the activities of the European Union (EU, ECSC, EEC, EC and Euratom) such as policy instruments and decisions taken in individual cases but of more general interest. The Directory therefore covers: (a) agreements and conventions concluded by the Communities in connection with their external relations; (b) binding secondary legislation (regulations, decisions, ECSC general decisions and recommendations, EEC/EC/Euratom directives) under the Treaties establishing the European Union and the European Communities, with the exception of day-today administrative acts; (c) supplementary legislation, in particular decisions of representatives of the governments of the Member States meeting within the Council; (d) certain non-binding acts considered by the institutions to be important. The work is in two volumes. The first contains the analytical section and some information for the reader. The second contains the chronological index by number of all the acts given in the analytical section, and the alphabetical index based on the subject headings used in the analytical structure. The Directory has been divided into two volumes for ease of use. The Directory is published in the Community languages and is recompiled and updated every six months.