Python for Beginners
註釋Python for beginnersLearn Python in a fun wayOn Angel List, Python is the 2nd most demanded skill and also the skill with the highest average salary offered.With the rise of big data, Python developers are in demand as data scientists, especially since Python can be easily integrated into web applications to carry out tasks that require machine learning.Python is a multi-paradigm programming language that has primarily been developed as a more concise, straightforward, and easy-to-understand alternative to other major languages such as C, Java and Perl. Python programming is designed to be highly standardized, with a clear protocol for any task and little to no need for coming up with elaborate patchwork solutions to get something done.It's one of the world's most popular programming languages, and is commonly used by major companies for web development purposes. Google has used it for much of their web spider and search engine code, Yahoo built their "Groups" and "Maps" features with it, and the Central Intelligence Agency built their entire website with it.In addition to web development, Python can be found in commercial games, business software, educational applications, animation systems and many other different types of software. Is Python A Good First Programming Language To Learn?Even though it has not yet been adopted as a first language by many computer science programs, Python is widely seen by industry experts as a great first programming language when learning to code.For starters, the syntax of Python is simpler than that of most other major programming languages, with fewer exceptions and special cases. It also tends to use plain English keywords in place of the system of punctuation that has to be memorized in other languages, making it easier to learn to code. Given these conventions, Python code tends to appear as less of a "jumble" to newcomers than it does in comparable languages.Another great feature of Python is the ubiquity of its use. While Python is optimized for development on Linux and Unix systems, interpreters are available for just about every major operating system. All implementations of Python are supported by an excellent standard library, which means that new students can very quickly move on to creating actual functional programs that are useful. Additionally, the standard implementation of Python, CPython, is free and open source.What Type Of Jobs Are Available To Python Programmers?In the job market, Python is often looked at as a strong secondary supplemental language to a primary language that is more broadly used like C or Java. There are a variety of jobs that one can get focusing exclusively on Python development, however. Many of these jobs will be in building and improving the internal tools that a company uses to create its finished marketable products, rather than working on the finished product itself.One specific economic sector where the presence of Python programming is particularly strong is the geospatial industry. This is a critical industry that deals in navigational tools such as GPS, radar and light measurements.If you're interested in web applications, Python is a better choice for development (working with the back-end or server side) rather than design (creating the actual finished front-end that site visitors interact with). As mentioned previously, Google employed Python for many components of its search engine, and it is quite widely used in the data mining industry.Finally, Python can also be used for game development. Some famous examples of games developed either entirely or in large part with Python include EVE Online, Civilization IV, the Battlefield game series and the Mount & Blade games. The popular development environment Blender is written in Python.