Chase the Lion: Stepping Confidently Into the Unknown - Member Book

Chase the Lion: Stepping Confidently Into the Unknown - Member Book is a 6-session young adult Bible study that expands the message of Mark Batterson's best-selling book "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day." Inspired by a fearless warrior named Benaiah (2 Sam. 23:20) who changed the course of his future by winning a battle with a real lion, this study examines biblical and modern-day examples of people who were willing to put everything on the line, take risks, seize opportunities, face fears, embrace uncertainty, and look foolish when it comes to chasing after God-given opportunities.

Our current Christian culture doesn't usually encourage sensible people to chase after risky opportunities and dreams. We want to believe that if it's a good decision, it will always be and feel safe because that's the way God wants life to be. But what if you discovered that the fulfilling life God wants for you is hiding behind a present problem, a past failure, or a lifelong fear?

Mark Batterson
serves as lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C. Targeting emerging generations, 73 percent of NCCers are single 20-somethings who live or work on Capitol Hill. Currently one church with three locations, the vision of NCC is to meet in movie theaters at metro stops throughout the D.C. area. Mark lives on Capitol Hill with his wife, Lora, and three children. Mark is the author of the Threads studies, Chase the Lion and Chase the Goose.