註釋This book is designed for you to read a passage when you feel you need to. By opening up to a page God has chosen for you, read an Angel message from God to feel blessed, find the blessing in any given situation or simply seekpeace. Being blessed is about giving the gift of peace and blessings to others, while also asking God for it yourself. It is your destiny to be a blessed individual, attracting good to you and finding a way of life that brings joy to all who you encounter. A blessed life is one where you are able to think, feel and know that no matter what has occurred or how you have previously responded, you can find peace. The healing may take time, but the journey is more inspiring and joyful when you bless even those who hurt you. It is more beautiful when you give blessings to those around you and ask for what you need in the form of blessings and peace. Go into the world knowing you are here for a purpose and are a blessed woman who is living out your innate and true destiny. -- Author.