註釋Key Features : Cross-curricular units for Science, Social Studies, and Health. Integrating curriculum across content areas provides a more effective way of covering curriculum, and a more authentic and meaningful learning experience. 100% match to your revised English Language Arts Curriculum. All skills and strategies outlined in all strands of the Language Arts curricula are addressed in the Nelson Literacy instructional framework. Quick and focused assessment with complete support for differentiating instruction. Provides multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate learning through responses to key assessment questions, demonstration tasks, and performance tasks. Teachers can use observation forms, checklists, and rubrics to record assessment data and plan differentiated instruction. Exciting magazine format captures and holds kids' attention. Nelson Literacy student resources take the visual excitement of a video game or music video and captures it on the page. Motivation is a key determinant of student success and Nelson Literacy is filled with page after page of material that kids will want to read. Media literacy integrated into every unit. includes media selections that represent a wide variety of forms, purposes, and audiences. Students are introduced to the characteristics of a different media forms and learn strategies for analyzing and evaluating overt and implicit messages, audience and purpose, and the use of conventions and techniques.--Publisher's website.