The book consists of twenty articles published in conference proceedings of
International conference on ‘’Security, Identity & Global Governance : India and the
World”, organised by Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security & Governance,
New Delhi and Centre for International Politics, Organisation & Disarmament,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, in collaboration with United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and Department of
International Relations, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. In this conference 465
researchers participated through hybrid mode from different parts of India and globe
like USA, United Kingdom, Canada Algeria, Bangladesh, Philippines, Romania,
Ethopia, Nigeria,Tajikistan, Sudan, Algeria, Israel, Kazakhstan & Taivan, so through
double blind peer-review mode twenty best articles were selected and got published
in this book to give it final shape.
This book would undoubtedly be immensely useful to not only students and
academicians but also be beneficial to policy makers and practitioners, analysts,
scholars, and all those who are interested in the subject of International Relations
and Conflict and Peace Resolutions. The papers are based on the research
exercises of each contribution and it is coming out in a very apt moment because it
addresses certain existing issues related to security concerns relevant to the national
security interest.