City for Sale
International Financiers Take a Major North American City by Storm
出版James Lorimer Limited, Publishers, 1977-01-01
主題Business & Economics / Urban & Regional
註釋 City for Sale is perhaps the most penetrating, myth-shattering analysis ever made of landownership and kindered forces behind a city's development.
City For Sale examines one of North America's principal urban centres, Montreal, and shows how its citizens have become largely disenfranchised residents of their own city. As with many other cities on the North American continent, Montreal's elected officials are to a large extent the pawns of international finance.
Who really is in charge of our rapidly changing cities? Who are the individuals, dynasties and cartels which finance and provide so much of the impetus for today's bleak, alienating urban landscape?
Investigative reporter Henry Aubin spent almost two years finding out. He sifted through musty files for hundreds of hours and interviewed more than 400 people in six countries to mold his prize-winning account.