Poems for Children

Poems for Children By: Elsie M. Johnston   This poem book is easy and fun to read with flowing words, depicting bright pictures of farm animals. An acquaintance with simple country living was Elsie M. Johnston’s inspiration for “The Farm Mouse,” a poem about a mouse who sleeps while the people work and play, until the day is done and then he creeps out of the hay. The mouse looks through the barn yard for food, until the sun begins to rise, then he is gone again, to hide beneath the haystack to await another night. The poem “Be a friend” was inspired by seeing the need for teaching children more kindness for each other. The illustrations show farm animals, including a turtle, being nice and helpful to each other, by helping to reach an apple, giving companionship and by trying to make others smile. Such treatment may seem to be only a little effort, but helps to greatly improve the days of others.