Sleepless Nights

"Sleepless Nights" was written from those thoughts we keep hidden deep within our souls, those thoughts we never share, but keep to ourselves.

From its inception, "Sleepless Nights" has been a continued awakening of a man's spirit, seeing life through deeply seated feelings, which I turn into words. Each thought, each emotion is something very special to be shared with others.

I won't lie and tell you my path didn't come with hardships. And when the lion roared I stopped long enough to collect my thoughts. And later I would write them for you as I did with, "I Should Have Screamed".

My journey is not mine alone, each of us walk a similar path with all its joys and sorrows. I'm very proud of this endeavor, for it's my best poetical work to date. And I'm equally proud that I was able to share a few moments writing with my nephew and friend, Christopher Appel. Many of you may know him from my poems, "Chris" and "The Special People".

"sleepless Nights", is a continuation of my thoughts from "The World Outside My Window". Two long years in the making, reaching the bottom and fighting back to finish another chapter in this thing we call life.

Dan Hanosh

Dreams Are Yours To Share