Non-Conventional Legumes and Useful Plants of North East India

 The North Eastern Region is a rich respositary of useful plants. These plants have not been studied in detail regarding their characteristics, use, utilization, potential and also as a source of valuable protein. This publication is an number attempt in the above direction and may from the basis of further detailed work. The author is fully conscious of the present publication. Much more could have been done but because of the problems of insurgency, difficult terrain and lack of literature and information on the plants of the region were the constraints and this is all what the author could do. The author will feel satisfied and amply rewarded if this publication stimulates further efforts and studies on these valuable plants and those listed in the second chapter as compendium of useful plants of the region.

A chapter on useful plants of the region has also been added, so that, all those who may be interested in knowing the plant wealth of this remote region. This part is especially for those, who may be interested in the development and progress of the region and to remove regional imbalance and may be useful for all those, who may be interested in pursuing studies on specific groups of plants.