Teaching and learning within early childhood education to children in social situation of poverty
a pedagogic-didactic (dialectic-interactive) intervention with the cultural-historical approach
出版CRV, 2019
主題Education / General
註釋The publication of Giffoni's study is a very significant event for the academic circle of cultural-historical theory in the context of Brazilian educational research. It shows the solid penetration of cultural historical theory in Brazil and, especially, the empirical research in this theoretical orientation, exemplified especially with the didactic-formative experiment in the perspective of developmental teaching introduced by V. Davydov [a L. S. Vygotsky follower]. ... Reading Giffoni's book will show educators and researchers how to seek quality teaching in school institutions for young children belonging to socially marginalized social groups, provided that the school can articulate the study of school knowledge with social experiences and interactions as condition for the emotional, affective, cognitive and moral development of students. The research points to promising perspectives in this direction: poor children can benefit from the school's role in the development of intellectual capacities through the formation of concepts and the use of these concepts in their social and concrete life conditions. Another point that the researcher highlighted in the conclusions of his research was the possibility of using the theory of developmental teaching and his research in the areas of social assistance and social pedagogy. Dr. José Carlos Libâneo