Magical Stories From Tagarama

Dear Readers,

I am sure that you will feel great pleasure and excitement while reading my literary works (screenplays and poems) written for the 7th art, cinema.The free -verse poems include "global" issues appearing in the form of sometimes objects, sometimes animals (our buddies), sometimes sports and sometimes global warming.

Film Director Jean-Luc Godard said: "Photography is truth. The cinema is truth twenty-four times per second." As I adopted this statement, I want to state that my literal and narrative screenplays will not only affect your left and right lobe but also allow you, my dear readers, to push the limits of your imagination, so you will visualize yourself as the characters depicted in the book and you will experience different evens as if you were one of them without being dependant on place, time and characters. You will, indeed, feel all the features of the ruler, of the referee and of the director of this book.

These 19 screenplays and IO poems will enable you sometimes to travel to Colorado, the homeland of Cheeseburger, by following a small yellow flower; sometimes to witness extinct giant birds that came back from the dead after an earthquake; sometimes to find yourself in Machu Picchu with the help of the sun and water upon coming across a parchment paper; and sometimes to witness the messages coming from the Northern and Southern lights when Malaccan and Turkish sweethearts go to Lapland, to snow country, due to financial problems. You will feel many other common excitements and adventures like these. You will burst with excitement, laugh, cry, and shiver with fear. You will have all the feels in this book. I feel great pleasure to write like Atilla iLHAN and Hasan Huseyin KORKMAZGiL, some of the great poets and writers in our neighbourhood. May all the writers who lived in the past and in our neighbourhood and also my late father Selahattin KAHVECi rest in peace...