The State Acting Academy of East Berlin
A History of Actor Training from Max Reinhart's [sic] Schauspielschule to the Hochschule Für Schauspielkunst "Ernst Busch"
出版Edwin Mellen Press, 1999
主題Performing Arts / Acting & AuditioningPerforming Arts / Theater / General
註釋This study deals with the establishment of Max Reinhardt's school in Berlin, the training there up to World War II, the programme of study during the German Democratic Republic, and the setting up of the Hochschule fur Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch. It offers a detailed account of the training methods which existed shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, examining the shift in emphasis from a socialist Realistic school of acting, as one of the state institutes of the GDR, to a more eclectic, broad-based approach. The training programme showed the influence of Reinhardt's theories of acting as well as those of Stanislavski and Brecht.